Saturday, August 1, 2009

IVA - Passed!

Another post that does what is says on the tin!

The trip to and from the testing centre was pretty uneventful - the car handles well, no fan-belts popped off, only got very slightly rained on, and I got there on time.

And then the inspector looked at all the fixes and was satisfied with them - the steering centering wasn't perfect but because it was a noticeable improvement he was happy to pass that too.

So to my slight surprise and great elation I was handed a certificate. Which is now in the bowels of the DVLA bureaucracy in order to get a license number for the car along with yet another bunch of forms. I've hopefully filled out these so that it will attract an age-related plate (rather than a Q) coz it's a single-donor vehicle that uses a lot of the original MX5.

Just one more obstacle that I can see - I've got to get the car down to DVLA in Botley in just over a weeks time. And it has to be trailered otherwise they'll not inspect it, which is a bit knickers seeing as I have neither trailer nor towbar...

1 comment:

Adam said...

Huzzah! Nice one, 'Bro! I'm glad that it's finally passed and that all of your dedication has finally paid off - Serious kudos to you, I say :)