570 rivets later and the aluminium panels are all attached to the chassis (well, apart from the transmission tunnel covers that need to stay off for now). There were about 4 rivets that due to access difficulties were not possible to get in completely flush, so I'll have to accept a 0.7% failure rate on that job. Shoddy I know.
Getting on for two of the tubes of sealant were required - I fully expect it to leak like a sieve in the great
British weather, but I've done what I can to prevent it.

The drilling and
de-burring of the rivet holes was frankly tedious, and the riveting was hard work - if I ever do this sort of thing again I am most assuredly investing in a compressor and air-powered rivet gun. Using the hide hammer to beat the panels into the contours of the chassis rails was fun though!
Following on from the skinning, the foot controls were next - quick to assemble and install. It looks cramped in there for my size 10s - it'll be interesting to see exactly how many times I can accelerate and brake at the same time.

Next task is to form and fit all the brake pipes (or possibly sort out the wiring loom that is still lurking under the workbench).
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